Ruben Poncia
Ruben Poncia
Ruben Poncia, born in The Hague, The Netherlands. Started as a professional artist in 1996, the first few years mainly working for cinema's and theaters, painting decors and large billboards advertising new movies and theater productions, which is now an extinct art form when printing on large canvas became cheap. From then, he concentrated more on murals, illustrations and cartoons for magazines and paintings in a realistic or surrealistic style with the use of perspective tricks. When starting anamorphic (3D) art the skills learned in doing large paintings and knowledge of perspective came very useful for this form of art. At the moment doing 3D street art is the main occupation, performing in festivals and doing commercial work all over the world. Street art is an artistic challenge and a performance taking the artist out in the open where he has to create in a limited time making a living illusion that fades as soon as it is created.